Tenacity  Responsibility  Practicality


About Me

My name is Louis and I am currently a junior in Tappan Zee High School. I am sixteen years old and cannot wait for the future to come. I started my programming journey freshman year of high school. After taking those classes, I continued with the STEM field because Math and Science have always been my favorite subjects. Sophomore, and now junior year, I pursued computer science and my goal is to help make the world a better place through hard work. While I am not indulging in computer science, I enjoy playing tennis, football, and going to the gym. Some other fun activities include chess, videogames, and working part-time at Shoprite.


Computer Science

My time in computer science has been fantastic. There were and still are so many opportunities for me to hone my skills. Robotics in particular has made a huge impact on my life. From sophomore year, I have dedicated much time into coding the serializer along with the vision software for our 2022 and 2023 robot. I had went to competitions in 2022 where I was taught by my peers how FIRST Robotics Competitions worked. Other than this, AP Computer Science A really let me delve into my love for computer science. Branching from this, Computer Science Club and Honor Society were not a far reach for me. From CodeCon to Hackathons, I enjoy to spread my love for computer science and teach others who maybe do not know much about it.

Robotics Team - 2022/2023
AP Computer Science A Class; 5 on the AP
Makerfaire; displayed projects to adults and children
Computer Science Honor Society Certificate
CodeCon; Hosted "Unlock the Box" computer science game
Computer Science Capstone Honors Class

Other Achievements

Not only computer science, but math along with spanish I also am really interested in. That is why I joined Math Honor Society (Called Mu Alpha Theta), the Math Team, and Spanish Club. Also, I became one of the first people to try out a new advanced spanish class for juniors. Relating to computer science, my classmates and I are involved in a program called Project Invent that has the goal of solving a problem that is had around the world. Our specific goal is to create an facial recognition attendance system using a raspberry pi and tablet to make attendance easier and more efficient. Furthermore, I am a member of the principal's council, we attend meetings and give our feedback about what is going on in the school.

My Group and I working on Project Invent.
Spring Showcase
Advanced Spanish Class


While computer science is exuberant, there are many other things I enjoy to do. Tennis and football are the main sports I enjoy. I started to play tennis when I was 15, and I have improved much since then. I joined the tennis team sophomore year for the first time and made junior varsity; doubles one. Also, I am fond of chess. I am rated 1400 in chess, and keep improving. I also know 5 programming languages which include, java, python, css, html, and javascript.
